Universidad de Magallanes >

Centro Universitario Cabo de Hornos

Parque Etnobotánico Omora – Universidad de Magallanes

11 de Julio del 2019



Jofre, J., B. Goffinet, P. Marino, R.A. Raguso, S.S. Nihei, F. Massardo & R. Rozzi2011. First evidence of insect attraction by a Southern Hemisphere Splachnaceae: The case of Tayloria dubyi Broth. in the Reserve Biosphere Cape Horn, Chile. Nova Hedwigia 92 3–4.: 317–326

Schuttler, E., R. Rozzi & K. Jax.  2011. Towards a societal discourse on invasive species management: a case study of public perceptions of mink and beavers in Cape HornJournal for Nature Conservation 19:175–184.

Jiménez, J. E. and T. H. White, Jr. 2011. Use of tree cavities for nesting by Speckled Teal  Anas flavirostris. in southern Chile: potential competition with the Slender-billed parakeet  Enicognathus leptorhynchusOrnitología Neotropical 22: 465-469.

Noguera, A.P. & R. Rozzi. 2011. A Tribute to Carlos Augusto Angel Maya. Environmental Ethics 33: 3-4.

Rozzi, R. & F. Massardo. 2011. The road to biocultural ethics. Frontiers in Ecology 9: 246-247

Rijal, R., R.B. Chhetri, & R. Rozzi. 2011. How Best to Support Livelihoods of Blacksmiths with Minimum Impact on Forest Products. Himalayan Journal of Sciences 7: 7 – 8. 7:7 – 8

Rozzi R. 2011. Field environmental philosophy: regaining an understanding of the vital links between the inhabitants, their habits and the regional habitatsDialogue and Universalism No. 1-2/2011

Mansilla, A. & M. Avila (2011). Using Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh from southern Chile as a source of applied biological compoundsRevista Brasilera de Pharmacognosia 21(2): 262-267

De los Ríos-Escalante, P., A. Mansilla & C. B. Anderson. 2011. The presence of the genus Hyalella (Smith, 1875) in water bodies near Puerto Williams (Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, 54º S, Chile) (Crustacea, Amphipoda)Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 6(4):273-279

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Centro Universitario Cabo de Hornos

Universidad de Magallanes • O'Higgins 310 • Puerto Williams • Chile
Email: secretaria.williams@umag.cl