Universidad de Magallanes >

Centro de Investigación GAIA Antártica

Investigación – Docencia – Vinculación con el Medio


13 de May del 2020

(Español) CIGA UMAG y Fundación Glaciares Chilenos establecen alianza a través del sello antártico

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12 de May del 2020

(Español) ¿Cómo es vivir en la Antártica, el lugar más seguro sin coronavirus?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.

10 de May del 2020

(Español) Televisión Regional Destaca Sello Antártico Institucional

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05 de May del 2020

(Español) Gobierno lanza fondo de $2.300 millones para investigación científica sobre COVID19

05 de May del 2020

(Español) Extraordinaria diversidad de fósiles cerca del Glaciar Perito Moreno

04 de May del 2020

(Español) En Antártica las condiciones climatológicas en glaciar Unión han estado estables en los últimos 35 años

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.

30 de April del 2020

IDEAL center organize Antarctic talks

The Research Center IDEAL has organized a series of talks related to Antarctic to be presented during May.  The talks are directed to the non-scientific audience and have no cost. Every Wednesday, starting the 6th of May. The program of talks is the following: Complete program 06th May En la Antártica : El arribo anunciado…

24 de April del 2020

CIGA and the group of Scouts San Miguel invite to an online talk about Antarctic

This Saturday 25th of April, the group of scout San Miguel together with CIGA-UMAG, invite at an online talk given by the geologist Joaquin Bastias, who will talk about topics relates to Antarctic geology. Is important to mention that this activity is in commemoration to the Earth Day. On the other side, the group of…

Captura de pantalla 2020-04-23 a las 12.46.12
23 de April del 2020

(Español) CIGA-UMAG se adjudica proyecto de energía renovable para el DOMO

The “Agencia de Sostenibilidad Energética (Agency of energy sustainability, Agencia SE) and the Ministerio de Energía, through the program “Comuna Energética”, made the call to the first application of projects to the “Comunidad Energética” program, being the Universidad de Magallanes the winner with it proposal “Paneles Solares fotovoltaicos en las inmediaciones de las instalaciones del…

Ciencia antartica
27 de March del 2020

Researchers from UMAG came back from Antarctic after postpone the expedition for the pandemic

A group of students from pre-and postgrade from the Universidad de Magallanes, returned from Antarctic, from where arrived on board of the ship AP-41 Aquiles from the Chilean Army, after set sail the 13th of March from Punta Arenas. The travel was abruptly interrupted, due to the national alarm by the declaration of a pandemic…


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  • Centro de Investigación GAIA Antártica

    Domo Antártico • Avenida Bulnes 01855 • Punta Arenas • Chile
    Teléfono: +56 61 207180 • Email: patricia.jamett@umag.cl